24 Hour Design Challenge 2020

I was a member of the team that redesigned Silk. Our team won the Gold Award for the 2020 Furman University and the Miami Ad School’s 24 hour brand marathon and pitch. We created a subscription service to bring a personalized milk selection straight to your door. The reusable glass bottles are also picked up by the company, which will reuse any spoiled milk as a foliar spray for plants. Silk participates in the re-pollination of wildflowers and the reproduction of bees and other wildlife. We add a seed pack as a courtesy gift when signing up for our subscription service – you do more by doing less. As you can see…we’re nut your average milk.

I was involved in every step of the process, with lead roles in creating the slogan, redrawing the logo, designing the seed packets, and preparing the physical bottles for the presentation.